Smile makeover in India

Smile is the most beautiful accessory that humans were blessed with. But what is a smile without a set of sparkling white teeth. A smile makeover in India gifts you with a beautiful smile and a set of teeth that would get you compliments wherever you go. The cosmetic dental procedures in India are safe and effective and you can club your smile makeover in India with a trip to exotic locations- you can bask in the sands of Goa or enjoy the scenic beauty of India in a resort in Kerala- the God's own land! Smile makeover is your answer to confident smile and there can be no better destination than India, to get a smile of your dreams.

The most sought after cosmetic dentistry treatments in India are:

Teeth bleaching or Teeth whitening in India

Teeth Whitening treatment restores stained and discoloured teeth to its natural colour.

Commonly used whitening agents are:

Causes and patient criteria for tooth discoloration:
Tooth discoloration is a change in the colour, transparency and hue of teeth.

There are 2 types of tooth discoloration:

Extrinsic Discoloration: Discoloration of external enamel with the use of coke, coffee, tea, other food and drinks that yellow the teeth or habits like smoking.

Intrinsic Discoloration: Discoloration of dentin which gives the teeth yellow colour. Intrinsic staining can be due to:

Procedure of treatment

There are several kinds of teeth whitening such as:

Expected Results

The results of teeth whitening in India are dramatic and immediate. It renders the teeth its original colour making the smile beautiful. The results can be maintained for a longer time with proper care such as cleaning and rinsing after food and drinks.

Gum contouring in India

Gum contouring is elimination of gum tissue which is in excess so that a proper proportion of gum to teeth visibility is restored to create an aesthetic smile.


Gum contouring or gum reshaping, is a cosmetic procedure to improve the smile of the patient who has the problem of “Gummy Smile”. The gums are overgrown and cover major part of tooth make it look small.


Gingival contouring is a minor dental clinic procedure lasting for about an hour under local anaesthesia. A soft tissue laser is used to trim the excess gum so that there is minimal bleeding and no stitches.

Expected Results

After the procedure of gingival contouring you can expect mild swelling and uneasiness, which can be taken care with the right medication by your dentists. Precautions such as soft diet are also necessary. The results of gum contouring are permanent.

Veneers in India

Veneers are cemented on the frontal portion of the teeth to give them a neat cosmetic appearance. They are wafer thin and are carefully designed to match the patient's teeth colour. This treatment is done to impart a sparkling white smile by adding veneers of porcelain or resin on chipped or stained teeth to create uniformity and provide aesthetic appearance to the smile.

Candidates for Veneers

You are a good candidate for veneers if you have:

Procedure of Dental Veneer

Dental veneers are done in two sittings. In the first visit, selection of the right shade of tooth colour is done. Under local anaesthesia, the tooth is prepared to accommodate a veneer. This is done with a rotary cutting instrument.

Composite Veneers: Here the dentist applies the composite resign and a light application apparatus follows. The composite veneers are then finished and surfaces are polished.

Porcelain veneers: Here the dentist takes an impression of the teeth. The impression is then sent to a laboratory for fabrication of the veneer.

CAD/CAM Veneers: It is an integration of the Impression system, 3D design software and a chair-side mill to provide the dentist with veneers instantly in one go.

Recovery and Results

The recovery is quick after the chair time. The results are visible immediately giving you a very pleasing smile. The maintenance is quite easy with regular cleaning with non-abrasive tooth paste. Undue stress on the teeth should not be applied since the risk of chipping is there with porcelain veneers. With proper maintenance it is highly durable.

Among the above mentioned options Porcelain veneers in India are most sought after and aesthetically pleasing veneers.

Cosmetic bonding in India

Cosmetic bonding is reconstruction, redesigning, and covering of tooth defects using tooth-colouring materials.

Candidates for Cosmetic Bonding

The dental bonding procedure is indicated for a number of conditions such as:

Procedure of dental bonding

The shade of the tooth colour is selected. The tooth or teeth are isolated with a rubber dam and the tooth surface is prepared.

There are 2 kinds of dental bonding:

Direct Composite Bonding: The tooth surface is made rough by a conditioning liquid that aids better bonding of the resign. The resign is then applied over the area and contoured carefully to the tooth shape and size to look like natural teeth. This is followed by application of light apparatus to bond the material and cure it so that it hardens. The prepared surface is then trimmed, finished and polished immediately.

Adhesive Bonding:This process is used only to attach restorations to teeth like veneers crowns, inlays and onlays.

Recovery and Results

There is no recovery time as it is a very simple painless procedure which gives immediate results giving you a beautiful smile. After care is easy with proper cleaning and flossing.


At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent dental health and the well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide excellent smile makeover in India at affordable prices. A preferred association with top dental clinics in India and

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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