Prostate cancer treatment in India

Prostate cancer treatment in India is done at best hospitals for prostate cancer treatment in India at affordable cost. With advancements in technology like robotic arm for prostate surgery, the success rate for prostate cancer treatment has gone up by many folds. Robotic surgery for prostate cancer allows maximum precision during the surgery making it safest bet for the patients even at old age.

Prostate cancer treatment

Prostate is the tiny walnut shaped and sized glad present in males in between the bladder and genital organs. The main function of prostate is to produce seminal fluids which protect and nurture the sperms and helps in to transport the sperms during ejaculation. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting men but mortality is less as it can be treated completely with the help of multiple treatment options like surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The prostate cancer typically advances slowly and primarily remains restrained to the prostate gland and thus requires minimal treatment. However some prostate cancers may need quick attention and aggressive treatment for complete cure. Early detected prostate cancer that is confined to the glad itself has good chances of complete cure. Prostate cancer may not show any signs and symptoms when it is at its early stage but more advanced cancer may cause symptoms like Blood stained semen, discomfort and pain in pelvic region, difficulty in micturition, bone pain, erectile dysfunction etc.

It is thus important at this point to seek the doctor's advice and get the lab test done which shall aid to know the stage of prostate cancer to determine the appropriate treatment accordingly. The stages of prostate cancer are;

Stage I: cancer is confined to small area of prostate gland and cells are not at all aggressive.

Stage II: cancer is small but the cancer cells may reflect as aggressive or the cancer is large may have grown enough that is involving prostate glands of both the sides.

Stage III:cancer has advanced outside the prostate and affecting seminal vesicles and adjacent tissues.

Stage IV: cancer has advanced to plague nearby organs including urinary bladder, bones, lymph nodes, lungs or other tissues and organs.


The exact cause of prostate cancer is still unknown but there are certain risk factors that are identified to cause the prostate cancer. These include;

The prostate cancer can be treated with following options which depend on the size and site of the cancer, stage of the cancer and extent to which the disease has spread.

Men younger than age 75 with limited prostate cancer who are expected to live at least 10 more years tend to get the most benefit from radical prostatectomy.

The ideal candidates for prostate cancer surgery are those whose cancer is limited only to prostate, less than 75 years of age and are otherwise in good health.

The surgery is performed under general or local anaesthesia depending on the choice of surgeon.

The Laparoscopic or robotic assisted or the da Vinci robotic prostectomy in the minimally invasive procedure that provides with the best results in regards of less pain, less scarring and better outcomes after the surgery. The only difference between the laparoscopic and robotic assisted prostatectomy is that the first one is performed at hands of the surgeon using laparoscope whereas the other one is done by the robot which is controlled and manipulated by the controls being operated by the surgeon.

During the surgery 5-6 small keyhole of 1 cm size are made on the mid abdomen and a telescopic lens in put inside that provides the magnified view of the structures like nerves, blood vessel, muscles adjacent to the prostate, thus optimizing the preservation of these structures. Using the miniaturized robotic instrument which are inserted through these keyholes, the prostate gland is cut away from the bladder and removed through one of the key holes.

This surgery has an advantage of less blood loss than the traditional one. The surgery usually take 2-4 hours to complete.

The patient would need to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days after radical prostatectomy. A urinary catheter is inserted which needs to be there for a few days after the surgery. One would feel pain and discomfort which would be controlled with medications. The patient can resume routine activities in about two weeks after the surgery. Strenuous activities, sexual activities need to wait for 8-10 weeks and may take months to return to its maximum level.

It is must to have a regular follow up after radical prostatectomy to make sure that cancer does not come back.

Results of radical prostatectomy are quite good if the cancer is limited to the prostate. The aim of prostate removal surgery is to cure the prostate cancer. Men whose prostate cancer has not spread to other areas have an 85% chance of surviving 10 years after radical prostatectomy.

However, if cancer has spread to the other parts, further treatment like radiation therapy would be required to cure cancer. One should do the regular medical check-ups to make sure that the cancer does not come back.

If the cancer cells are limited to prostate only, th epatient would need to stay at the hospital in India for 2-3 days and can go back home after two weeks. A regular check up with a doctor in local country is must to make sure that cancer does not return.

If the cancer has spread to other parts, the patient would need radiation therapy as well after the prostate removal surgery, which may take few weeks.

Cost of Prostate cancer treatment in India

At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best prostate cancer treatment in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with best hospital for prostate cancer treatment in India and top surgeons in India helps us advise:

The cost of prostate cancer treatment in India varies with the type of procedure chosen, your medical condition, surgeon, facility and the city where you choose to get the surgery done. The cost of radical prostatectomy in India starts from USD 5500 and varies with various factors.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and cost of prostate cancer treatment in India.

Medical history and diagnostic reports may be sent to or for an early response from the case managers.

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