Bariatric Surgery Cost in India

Bariatric surgery cost in India is a fraction of what it costs to get the surgery done in the US, UK or any other Western country. For example, the cost of Sleeve Gastrectomy in India starts from $ 4900 with Abyssinia, whereas the cost of same surgery is around $25,000 in US, £18,000 in UK and $25,000 in Australia.

Bariatric surgery cost in India varies with the type of bariatric surgery chosen, surgeon, hospital and the city where you choose to get the surgery done. Here is a quick look at comparison of Bariatric surgery cost in India vs few other countries:

Procedure USA ($) Australia ($) UK(£) India ($) Bariatric surgery cost in Indian Rupees (INR)
Laparoscopic Gastric Banding 25,000 30,000 12,000 7,000 4,20,000
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass 30,000 35,000 20,000 6,000 3,60,000
Sleeve Gastrectomy 25,000 25,000 18,000 5,000 3,00,000
Mini Gastric Bypass 30,000 30,000 20,000 6,000 3,60,000
Intra Gastric Ballooning 15,000 20,000 8,000 4,000 2,80,000

*The cost given is an approximate price to help you plan your trip. Final cost for the surgery can be given after the surgeon has evaluated the patient. Price in Indian rupees varies with the exchange rate of rupees vs dollars.

Bariatric Surgery in India

Choosing to travel for bariatric surgery in India arouses mixed reactions from people from different parts of the world. While many people are aware of, and are confident about getting bariatric surgery in India, there are others from Western countries who have many apprehensions and questions in their mind, viz; Is it safe to have bariatric surgery in India? Where should we begin? Who are the best bariatric surgeons in India? Which is the best hospital for bariatric surgery in India? And many more similar questions.

We at Abyssinia understand all the apprehensions and questions that you have when you opt for medical tourism in India- surgery away from your home and are there to help you make an informed decision. We always strive to get you the best deal when you opt for bariatric surgery in India. We completely understand that Bariatric surgery is a life changing decision and when you choose to get it miles away from your home, the decision can be overwhelming. Abyssinia assures you to be a partner in your journey and make this journey for bariatric surgery in India a successful and memorable one for you!

Why Bariatric surgery in India

The answer is simple- You should choose to undergo bariatric surgery in India because of the many advantages that the country offers.

Getting bariatric surgery in India with carefully chosen bariatric surgeons and clinics offers many advantages for bariatric surgery seekers abroad, few of which are listed below -

Who are the Best Bariatric Surgeons in India

India is a huge country and you would find many qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons in different parts of the country. We at Abyssinia understand that you wish to get operated by a very experienced and qualified surgeon with NO risks taken.

Our experts have therefore laid down critreria and we only suggest those surgeons who fulfill these criteria. We thus do the homework for you and help you make an informed decision.

Some of the important factors we look into, when we suggest a bariatric surgeon to you include:

Which are the best hospitals for Bariatric surgery in India

Bariatric Surgery is a specialised surgery which needs a specialised surgical room, specialised equipment and qualified nurses and technicians. Abyssinia has association with few of the best bariatric surgery hospitals in India such as Apollo Hospitals, Wockhardt, Fortis, Artemis, Columbia Asia, Parkway Group to name a few to offer you nothing but the best experience. These hospitals not only have state of the art technology but offer great services. They have dedicated people to take care of patients coming from overseas to provide them best of medical care and services.

Is it Safe to have Bariatric Surgery in India

Yes, absolutely. If you get your surgery done by a well qualified and experienced surgeon, in a good surgical room, at a hospital which offers proper post-operative care; the risk of undergoing bariatric surgery anywhere in the world is just the same. So, whether you are in US, UK, Australia or Canada the risks remain the same keeping other factors constant.

The hospitals in India that we associate with, are accredited, the surgeons board certified and more experienced than their Western counterparts, and we give utmost attention to the fact that you have travelled from a faraway country and have special requirements.

We advise that you stay in India for a minimum of a week after you are discharged from the hospital to make sure you have healed adequately before you go back. All these factors make surgery in India a very safe proposition. We have in fact seen that with proper patient selection and proper precautions, the success rate is much higher than in patients' home countries.

Which cities in India can I get my Bariatric surgery with Abyssinia Meditreat LLP?

We can offer you weight loss surgery in India at all metros- Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune. You can specify your prefence and we shall arrange things accordingly.

Bariatric surgery in India- Is only low cost attracting medical tourists?

The answer to the above question is definitely a big NO. Who would like to pay and get a botched surgery or risk his/ her life? Medical tourists come to India because they get quality healthcare services at affordable cost.

While bariatric surgery cost in India definitely makes it one of the most popular destinations in the world, low cost is not the only reason why more and more people are opting India as their preferred medical tourism destination.

Safe and effective bariatric surgery, modern technology and great services, excellent infrastructure, state of the art hospitals, personalized attention, world renowned bariatric surgeons, no language barrier and ease of travel are some of the factors which have attracted people from all across the globe for their bariatric surgery in India.

Abyssinia is proud to associate with some of the best bariatric surgeons in India who have many years of experience in carrying out successful weight loss surgery. With Abyssinia, you can be assured of personalized care and attention.

Why should you choose Abyssinia Meditreat LLP to plan your trip?

At Abyssinia we recognize the significance of excellent health and the well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide the best option for your weight loss surgery in India at most affordable prices.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will tell you of the duration and cost for the chosen procedure.

Abyssinia is the most renowned name for medical tourism in India offering weight loss surgery with best bariatric surgeons in India. After having served hundreds of happy patients from over 30 countries, we understand your expectations well. When you choose Abyssinia, you are sure about:

How to start your journey for Bariatric surgery in India?

This is how you can begin your journey to a new and improved you or simply put, weight loss surgery in India:

Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat collects in the body to an extent that it affects the health adversely, resulting in a variety of health problems. Obesity is a complex and chronic disease with many causes, and not simply a result of overeating. Research has shown that genetics often plays a crucial role, particularly if one is morbidly obese.

There are several criteria to determine morbid obesity. One criterion is being 50 to 100 percent more than the ideal body weight or being 100 pounds more than the ideal body weight. Another important criterion is the measure of one's Body Mass Index (BMI).

What are the Causes of Obesity?

The increased levels of the hormone Leptin is responsible for insulin resistance and fat storage thus increasing appetite and causing weight gain. Certain prescription medications cause weight gain by slowing metabolic rate, increasing appetite and water retention in the body. Medical Conditions such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing's disease and certain rare genetic diseases often lead to obesity.

Current generation is more inclined to fast foods, packaged foods and huge proportions which are more often than not because of misleading advertisements. Nutritional value of daily diet has decreased while the overall intake of calories have increased manifold, thanks to fast and packaged foods.

Genetic factors cause obesity in 70 - 80% of cases. Genetics cause severe obesity, slow metabolisms and some genetic mutations. It has been seen that the food habits are also be similar among family members, playing a good role in obesity running in the families.

Our environment is not conducive with good food and lifestyle habits because of the dwindling number of walk paths and parks, packed work schedules, oversized portions in restaurants, expensive fresh produce and misleading food advertisements.

Reduced physical activity, excessive TV viewing and long hours on the computer makes a very sedentary lifestyle and leads to weight gain.

It is the commonest reason in recent days where people are emotional eaters due to stress, especially women.

How does Bariatric Surgery work?

Surgery for weight loss is often the way to weight loss when the other methods have failed and the person is left with no other option. There are various techniques of weight loss surgery, though all of them work in three basic ways:


Restriction surgery decrease the stomach size thus reducing the food intake due to an earlier feeling of satiety. For example: Adjustable gastric band / lap band, Gastric sleeve


Mal Absorption

Mal-absorptive procedures reposition and/or remove portions of the alimentary canal thus containing the number of calories that can be absorbed in the body. Sole mal-absorptive procedures are no longer done commonly.

Mal absorption


As the name suggests it is a combination of both restrictive and mal-absorptive procedures. Example: Gastric bypass, Mini-gastric bypass, duodenal switch


What are the Advantages of Weight loss Surgery?

Who is a Candidate for Weight loss Surgery?

Bariatric surgery works well on individuals who fall in the category of "obese" or "morbidly obese", which means you have a BMI of 40 plus.

People with BMI of more than 35 are also candidates for the surgery if they have co-morbidities associated with obesity like diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, joint pain etc

The doctors would asses you before you are taken for the procedure. Few important factors that make you a good candidate for Bariatric surgery include the following:

What are the most common Weight loss surgery procedures?

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
It is a restrictive and mal-absorptive procedure where a small pouch is made by cutting and stapling the stomach. The pouch is connected to the lower part of small intestine so food bypasses rest of the stomach and top of small intestine. The upper part of small intestine is connected to the lower part so bile and other gastric juices digest food completely. Smaller stomach pouch restricts the amount of food eaten. The feeling of fullness is fast and sustained. Limited calories are absorbed due to small intestine bypass. As a result fat reserves are used to expend energy.

Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve
It is a restrictive procedure. The surgery is done by creating a small sleeve of the stomach (of the size of banana) by stapling it. Rest of stomach is resected. Smaller stomach pouch curbs the amount of food intake hence giving satiety for a faster and longer time. So, the fat stored is depleted.

Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass
This is a restrictive and mal-absorptive procedure. Tube-shaped pouch is separated from stomach at the end of the oesophagus and is attached to small intestine at six feet. Unlike this, in classic bypass small intestine is cut and there are two connections instead of one. Pouch in this case is bigger than classic bypass. It acts in the same way as classic bypass except that the intestinal bypassed is more in this than in gastric bypass which could result in increased vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Intra Gastric Balloon
The Intra Gastric Balloon (IGB) also known as gastric balloon is a simple, non-invasive procedure to treat obesity. In this procedure a small deflated silicone balloon is placed inside the stomach. The balloon is then filled with sterile saline. This thus, help to reduce hunger and food intake, and aids is overall weight loss.

Laparoscopic Gastric Band
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, popularly known as "lap band" or "Gastric band" is a popular bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery procedure. In this procedure an inflatable silicone device or band is places around the top portion of the stomach. This helps reduce the stomach’s capacity, which is turn reduces food consumption and facilitates weight loss.

What are the risks associated with Weight loss surgery?

As with any major surgery, bariatric surgery also poses potential health risks, both in the short term and long term. Short term risks include infection, blood clots and internal bleeding. The chances of such complications are 1 in 100, but if the candidate is chosen carefully and all precautions are taken, the chances of complications are almost nil.

The long term risks include food intolerance, Bowel obstruction, diarrhea because of Dumping syndrome, nausea or vomiting, Low blood sugar, Malnutrition and ulcers.

But the fact that benefits of weight loss surgery far outweigh the risks associated with it; surgeons all over the world advocate bariatric surgery for morbidly obese people.

How to prepare for Weight loss Surgery?

Preparation 1-2 weeks before the Surgery

You would need to follow a liquid diet plan for 7-14 days before the surgery.

This is done to reduce the amount of fat around the liver and spleen and thus for the surgeon to visualize your organs properly. A large liver prevents the surgeon to visualize certain anatomy during the procedure thus making it unsafe.

Preparation after your Arrival in India

How to prepare for Weight loss Surgery?

Since it is a laparoscopic surgery, recovery is fairly quick. You would stay at the hospital for 2-3 days to make sure you are recovering well.

You would be asked to sit on the side of the bed and walk a little the same day of surgery. You will take pills for pain or receive pain medicine through an IV, a catheter that goes directly into your veins for pain relief. Once good hydration is maintained and pain is managed, you would be discharged.

You would be advised to stay in India for another 6-7 days after you are discharged from the hospital to make sure your transition to new eating habits and recovery is smooth.

What diet do I need to follow after the surgery?

The dietician or nutritionist at the hospital will give you a detailed diet plan for several weeks after the surgery.

To give you an idea this is how your diet plan would be after the bariatric surgery:

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about weight loss surgery, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making your choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with chosen best bariatric surgeons in India and top hospitals, and assures you a hassle free arrangement for examinations, surgery, recovery, travel and stay.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and bariatric surgery cost in India.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism, which we have been doing for almost a decade now.

Medical history and reports may be sent to or for a quick response from the case managers.

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