Uterine Fibroids Treatment in India

Uterine fibroids affect almost 20% of the women between the age of 30 to 50 years. Overweight or obese women have higher chances of having fibroids with its sizes ranging from a pea to a lemon. Treatment options for uterine fibroids are many and can be confusing; but thankfully, with medical tourism in the picture, it is easier for the patients to choose the right procedure for uterine fibroids treatment in India at world-class facilities for one third the cost of same surgery in western countries.

The uterine fibroids treatment in India is done with most advanced methods including modern laparoscopic and hysteroscopic techniques. Besides, the cost of fibroid surgery in India is very affordable, which makes getting uterine fibroids treatment in India very lucrative for medical tourists.

Fibroids Treatment

Tumours that grow in the muscular wall of the uterus are called "Uterine fibroids". These are benign tumours that are noncancerous in nature and are developed from the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus. This mass can generally develop in childbearing years and may grow quite large and their size may differ from the size of a pea to a lemon. The exact cause of the development of fibroids is still unknown but several factors influence their formation including family history and hormonal changes. Since fibroids do not produce early symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose them early. It is estimated that every 3 out of 4 women has some or the other form of fibroids in their lifetime. The lady having fibroids may experience symptoms like heavy menstrual flow, prolonged menses, frequent urination, constipation, back or leg pains, difficulty in emptying the bladder, pain in pelvic area etc.

There are mainly 4 types of fibroids that develop at different locations in and on the uterus.

Uterine fibroids can result in developing two different types of uterine conditions which can be catheterized under as:

A. Cancerous uterine conditions

B. Noncancerous uterine conditions

Most of the growths in uterus are typically non-cancerous in origin. Some of the most common non-cancerous conditions are:

Treatment for Fibroids can be classified in two ways:

Treatment of fibroids depends on the age of the patient, her medical condition and obstetric history, size and type of fibroid. The common criteria associated with selection of treatment also depend on the symptoms like:



Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)

The procedure is done by an interventional radiologist. The patient is sedated and a needle is inserted into the leg and a catheter is connected to the artery and x-ray is taken. Particles of polyvinyl alcohol are injected that block the arterial supply for the fibroid. Thus, the uterine arteries are embolized and the blood supply to the fibroids is cut off, so that the fibroids shrink and disintegrate. The patient has to remain in bed for 6 hours with the leg straight. Pain can be managed with medicines after the procedure.

Fibroids Treatment
Fibroids Treatment
Fibroids Treatment
Fibroids Treatment

Recovery time for laparoscopic and all minimally invasive procedures require an overnight stay in the hospital. Uterine Artery Embolization procedure involves overnight stay at the hospital but total recovery will happen in 7 to 10 days. Vaginal hysterectomy usually takes 24 hours stay at the hospital. Mild pain persists for approximately for 10 days. Whereas with abdominal hysterectomy, it takes 3 to 4 days of hospital stay and total recovery needs 4- 6 weeks.

85% to 90% of the patients have significant resolution of symptoms such as pain, heavy bleeding etc. Hysterectomy is a permanent treatment where uterus is taken out and there are no chances of having fibroids after that. The flip side is that the woman cannot get pregnant after hysterectomy. Myomectomy has good results with resolution of all symptoms. Chances of recurrence of fibroids have to be consulted with the doctor.

Minimally invasive techniques require only an overnight stay or a 24 hour stay. But traditional surgeries like abdominal myomectomy and open hysterectomy require longer hospital stay and recovery time. It depends on the type of treatment procedure.

Cost of Fibroid Surgery in India

At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best uterine fibroids treatment in India at most affordable prices. A preferred association with best gynecology hospitals in India and best gynecologists in India helps us advise.

The cost of fibroid surgery in India varies with the type of procedure chosen, surgeon, facility and the city where the surgery is done.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and cost of fibroid surgery in India.

Kindly send your details to meditreatworld@gmail.com or curewithcare@meditreatworld.com for a quick response from the case managers.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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