Pancreatic cancer treatment in India

Cancer treatment in India is now available at best cancer hospitals in India with Abyssinia at most affordable prices. Not only these hospitals have the state of the art technology, Abyssinia's panel of doctors are trained at best medical schools in the world and are highly experienced. Pancreatic cancer treatment in India with these experienced surgeons assures you of best medical treatment in India at a cost you can afford.

Pancreatic cancer treatment

Pancreas is the one of the vital glandular organs of the body located in the abdomen horizontally behind the stomach. Being an endocrine gland, it secretes very important hormones like insulin, glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide which control the metabolism of sugar. It also secretes several digestive enzymes through pancreatic juices that help in digestion process.

Pancreatic cancer is the cancer of the pancreatic tissue and is of major concern as it grows and spreads very rapidly and has poor prognosis even if it is detected early. It rarely produces any symptoms in its early stage. The signs and symptoms always appears when the cancer is in the advanced stage and the symptoms may include pain in the upper abdomen that often radiates to back, loss of weight and appetite, yellowish discolouration of the skin and eyes, blood clots and associated depression.

The pancreatic cancer can be staged as;

Stage I: cancer is confined to pancreas. This stage is subdivide into 2;

Stage II: divided in to 2 sub stages

Stage III: cancer is invading outside the pancreas into the blood vessels but may or may not have spread to the lymph nodes and other area in the body

Stage IV: cancer has spread to other parts of the body most often affecting liver or lungs.


The exact cause of the pancreatic cancer in not known but there are some factors that increase your risk of developing pancreatic cancer. These include:

The treatment for pancreatic cancer aims to primarily eliminate the cancer if possible but the choice of treatment is highly dependent on the stage of the cancer and the age, overall health and fitness of the patient. If complete cure is not possible, focus on the preventing further growth of the cancer becomes necessary. However, in more advanced cancer, when it is more likely that the treatment will not benefit the patient, reliving the symptoms of the patient is the focus.

Following are the options to treat the cancer of pancreas:


It is indicated when the cancer is confined to the pancreas. This includes surgery of either the head or tail of the pancreas depending on where the tumour is present. Different types of surgery are:

Radiation therapy

Involves the use of high powered energy beam to kill cancerous cells. Patient may need radiation therapy either before or after the surgery or in combination with the chemotherapy. The radiation can be delivered using;


Involves using one or combination of drugs that may be injected or taken orally that helps in killing the cancer cells. If the cancer is not confined to the pancreas and has spread to nearby organs, then chemotherapy is combined with the radiation therapy often called as chemoradiation is used to treat the cancer.

Targeted drug therapy

Involves the use of drugs that restrict the substances that provoke the cancer cell to divide and grow. Erlotinib is the one such drug if combined with the chemotherapy, can be used to treat more advanced cases of pancreatic cancer.


Also known as biological therapy. It entails using the patient's own body's immune system to fight the cancer. Some of the patient's own immune cells are taken and genetically modified in the lab and are injected back in the body to fight the cancer cells. Biological agents like monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic vaccines, checkpoint inhibitors, immune modulators, adoptive T cell and cytokinesare used as the special immune system cells to stimulate the body's immune system so as to destroy and kill the cancerous cells.

If you are suffering from any of the above mentioned symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately who would advise tests to confirm the diagnosis. If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you need to start the treatment immediately.

Minimally invasive pancreatectomy

Laparoscopic surgery for the resection of pancreas is often used to remove cancerous pancreas due to advantages of minimal blood loss, lesser risk of infection, early recovery over conventional surgery.

Laparoscopic pancreatectomy is done under general anaesthesia using the laparoscope and instruments like trocars and cannulas. The surgeon makes several small incisions around the umbilicus. The laparoscope with the camera is inserted through one of the incisions using a trocar and the peritoneum is assessed well by the images on the monitor projected by the camera. After assessing and exploring pancreas, the surgical instruments are inserted through other incision and the correct level of the resections is recognised using the linear laparoscopic ultrasound. The pancreas is then retracted out of the peritoneum cavity by giving incision on the lower point of pancreas and then the targeted part is retracted and excised. If needed, spleen is taken out along with the pancreas and drain is placed in the resection area which shall be removed before discharge from the hospital. The incisions are then closed and dressed.

Recovery after the pancreas cancer surgery is long and difficult. The patient might feel pain after the surgery, but is given pain killer for pain relief. One needs to take fluids after the surgery and gradually be able to drink and eat as after any digestive tract surgery.

After the surgery, the patient would probably need chemotherapy that will aid and increase the chances of cure from cancer.

The results of pancreatic surgery depend on the stage of pancreas cancer. If detected early, there is a good chance of complete recovery.

If only surgery for treatment of pancreas cancer is required, one needs around 2-3 weeks for pancreas cancer surgery in India. But if chemotherapy and radiotherapy or other means of treatments are required, the patient would need few weeks for pancreas cancer treatment in India.

Cost of immunotherapy for cancer treatment in India

At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best treatment for pancreatic cancer in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with best hospital for pancreatic cancer treatment in India and top surgeons in India helps us advise:

The cost of pancreatic cancer treatment and surgery in India varies with the type of procedure chosen, your medical condition, surgeon, facility and the city where you choose to get the surgery done.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and cost of immunotherapy for cancer treatment in India.

Medical history and diagnostic reports may be sent to or for an early response from the case managers.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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