Scoliosis surgery in India

p>Scoliosis surgery in India is a great attraction for medical tourists because of excellent facilities and low costs of services. Scoliosis treatment in India is a good solution for scoliosis patients due to:

Scoliosis is the lateral curvature in a normal straight spine mostly occurring during the child's growing years. A side view shows convexity in upper back and concavity in lower back though it looks normal from front or back view. It can be seen in 3 shapes:


There can be many reasons for scoliosis, which can be categorised into:

Congenital: Congenital scoliosis is the scoliosis present by birth due to embryonic malformation of one or more vertebrae and can occur at any location of the spine. Since scoliosis is present by birth, it is diagnosed early in life.

Neuromuscular: Neuromuscular scoliosis is because of any neurological or muscular disease like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or spina bifida. Neuromuscular scoliosis generally progresses very rapidly and needs surgery.

Idiopathic: When the exact cause of scoliosis is not known, it is ascribed as idiopathic. It accounts for 80% of all known cases of scoliosis and is usually detected during puberty.

Most cases of scoliosis are mild and do not require any surgery. However, some children develop deformities that continue to get severe as they grow, which can be disabling. Severe spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the chest making lung functioning difficult.

Scoliosis surgery
Scoliosis surgery
Scoliosis surgery

The aim of the scoliosis surgery in India or scoliosis treatment in India is threefold:

This is done by two methods

Once the bone fuses, the spine does not move and the curve does not progress.

The surgery is done by two approaches:

Posterior (done through back) or Anterior (through sides) approach. Both have their own merits and demerits.

The surgery for treatment of scoliosis in India is done under general anaesthesia and can take anywhere between 4-12 hours depending on the curve and how much spine needs to be fused. Hospital stay of about a week is required after the surgery to make sure you are on the right healing path.

Candidates for scoliosis surgery are adolescents if their curves are greater than 40 degrees and it continues to progress and adults with curves greater than 50 degrees. A good candidate for scoliosis spine surgery is one who is otherwise healthy, mentally and emotionally stable and can tolerate the surgery well.

1. Posterior Approach

Severe deformation and rigid curvature requires other prior procedure called anterior release of disc space, after which bone is added to aid in fusion.

2. Anterior Approach for scoliosis

Curves present at thoracolumbar junction (T12-L1) can be treated by anterior approach.

Advantages of anterior approach are:

Scoliosis surgery is quite successful in stopping the curve from growing. With sophisticated techniques, doctors can straighten the curve to a great extent which improves the patient's appearance and functioning to a great extent.

You would have a lot of pain after the surgery which would be controlled with pain medications. You would stay at the hospital for about a week to ten days to make sure you are on the right healing path. The surgeon would advise you to start walking on second or third day of the surgery and physical therapy would begin on the third or fourth day of the surgery.

Most people return to school and work in 3-4 weeks. Full recovery can take from 4-6 months and most people can resume other activities and even sports after an advice from the surgeon.

You would need about a week to ten days at the hospital and another two weeks for initial recovery after scoliosis surgery in India.

Scoliosis surgery cost in India

At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best scoliosis treatment in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with top spinal surgeons in India and best spine hospitals in India helps us advise:

The scoliosis surgery cost in India varies with the type of procedure chosen like anterior or posterior approach, degree of your curve, your medical condition, surgeon, facility and the city where you choose to get the surgery done.

The scoliosis surgery cost in India starts from USD 9,000 and varies with above mentioned factors.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and scoliosis surgery cost in India.

Kindly send your details to or for a quick response from the case managers.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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