Gerd surgery in India

Availability of highly qualified and experienced surgeons, state of the art hospitals, English speaking doctors and affordable cost of medical treatment in India has given rise to a rapid increase in the number of medical tourists from across the world. GERD surgery or Nissen Fundoplication in India is one of the most sought after procedures from people around the world.

Gerd surgery

GERD, also known as Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or acid reflux disorder refers to the condition characterized by the back flow(reflux) of the stomach content like stomach acid and bile in to the oesophagus. The oesophagus is the hollow, muscular organ that carries food and liquids from the throat to the stomach.

Normally, during digestion process, the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) present at the junction of oesophagus and stomach opens to let the food pass into the stomach and closes to block the back flow of the food and stomach acidic juices into the oesophagus. However, in case of GERD, the reflux occurs due to weak LES or if it works or relaxes in inappropriate way.

GERD results in oesophageal inflammation and thereby increasing of ulcers, narrowing of oesophageal stricture or oesophageal cancer.

GERD is always associated with the chronic heartburn which is most common symptom of GERD. Acid regurgitation that is reflux of gastric acid into mouth is the other common symptom. Other less common symptoms are;

The factors that are responsible for causing GERD are;

Following enlisted are the treatment options for treating GERD and acid reflux;

If you are suffering from the GERD symptoms and medicines and other non-surgical methods have not helped, you can be considered for Fundoplication surgery.

Surgical procedure for laparoscopic fundoplication

Laparoscopic Fundoplication, also known as Nissen Fundoplication, is done under general anaesthesia. After taking all aseptic precautions, surgeon makes tiny incisions in your abdomen and a sterile tube is inserted through which Carbon dioxide gas is passed to separate the abdominal wall and underlying organs. Then, a laparoscope is inserted through one of the incisions and the laparoscopic images are projected on the monitor to inspect the area. Once it is done, the specialized surgical instruments, trocars and cannulas are inserted through other incisions. The weak lower oesophageal sphincter is reinforced by draping the upper part of the stomach to the lower part of oesophagus. This helps in reinforcing the LES to avoid the reflux.

Recovery is usually easy and smooth after the surgery. You shall get discharged from the hospital the next day of the operation. You may feel some pain and discomfort for few days which can be resolved with pain medications. You can resume your daily activities within a week, but heavy work ad exercises should wait for 8-10 weeks. Your doctor may advise you to start with liquid diet and gradually switch to semi solids and then solid food.

The results of Fundoplication surgery for GERD are good. You can expect relief from the acid reflux syndrome. Acid reflux medicines are usually not required after the procedure.

Fundoplication surgery cost in India

At Abyssinia we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best GERDsurgery in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with best hospitals in India and top surgeons in India helps us advise

The GERDsurgery cost in India varies with the type of procedure chosen, your medical condition, facility and the city where you choose to get the surgery done.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and cost of Fundoplication surgery in India.

Kindly send your details to or for a quick response from the case managers.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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