Liver cancer treatment in India

Abyssinia associated best liver cancer hospitals in India boast of world's highest success rate and lowest infection rate for Liver Transplant including liver cancer surgery. These hospitals have the know-how to perform and have already performed successful dual-lobe, domino, swap and ABO-incompatible liver transplantation, and combined liver-kidney transplantation.

The best liver cancer hospitals in India are equipped with the most advanced facilities for best infection control, highly trained and experienced surgeons and yet the cost of liver cancer treatment in India is a fraction of the cost of liver cancer treatment in US, UK or any other Western country.

he storage of glycogen, production of hormones, plasma proteins, RBC decomposition, detoxification and production of bile that helps in digestion.

Liver Cancer

There are mainly two types of Liver cancer:

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Initially, liver cancer does not produce any signs and symptoms but when they appear, it includes weight loss, loss of appetite, pain in upper abdomen, generalized weakness and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, yellow discolouration of skin and eyes, abdominal swelling etc.

Once the liver cancer is diagnosed, it is important to know the stage of the cancer to plan appropriate treatment to get out of it in time. There are 4 stages of the liver cancer.

Stage I: Single cancer tumour confined to liver and has not spread to other parts.

Stage II: Cancer with either single tumour that has spread to blood vessels or multiple tumours of less than 5 cm that has not invade blood vessels.

Stage III: It has 3 sub stages:

Stage IV: 2 sub stages:


Cancer occurs when DNA of the cells undergo mutation and these mutated cells then grow without control in abnormal way giving rise to the tumour.

The exact cause of the liver cancer is unknown but like other cancers there are certain risk factors that may lead to cause liver cancer. These are;


Liver surgery is the most commonly performed procedure for liver cancer. There are mainly two types of surgical procedures:

Non surgical procedures:

Cryoablation: This entails killing the cancerous cells using an instrument called cryoprobe that delivers nitrogen which freezes and kills the cells.

Radio Frequency ablation: This procedure includes insertion of the needles to reach tumour through small incision in the abdomen and then heating the needle at very high temperature with an electric current to destroy the targeted cancerous cells.

Chemotherapy: Strong anti- cancer drugs are injected in the hepatic artery which is then blocked so as to cut the blood supply to the cancer cells which makes them shrink and ultimately die. This procedure is often called as chemoembolization.

Radiation therapy: By using the high powered energy beams, the cancer cells are targeted to shrink and die. The new advance technique called as stereotactic radiotherapy can be used to treat liver cancer.

Targeted drug therapy: The drugs that interfere with the tumour function and inhibit the advancing spread of carcinoma are used to control the cancer. Sorafenib is one such drug.

If are suffering from any of the above mentioned symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately who would advise various tests for a correct diagnosis. If you are found to suffer from Liver cancer, the treatment should be started immediately.

Liver transplantation is the procedure of choice if the cancer tumour is big in size and has not invaded the other organs of the body. If partial hepatectomy is opted, then radiation therapy or the chemotherapy may be given additionally to control cancer cells from spreading.

Liver transplant is an extensive and a very sophisticated surgery. The procedure takes about 12 hours to complete. The first step is to identify and match the donor. For that, both the patient and donor has to undergo multiple tests like abdominal CT, cholangiogram, chest x-ray, ECG, ECHO etc. to confirm that the donor and patient are healthy enough to survive the surgery.

To begin with, the donor will be operated to remove the lobe of the liver. Either the left or right lobe is removed depending on the age of the person. If the patient is a child then left lobe is taken as it smaller and best suited for children and the right one is usually taken for adults. After harvesting is done, the incisions are closed with the sutures. This completes the surgery of the donor.

After this, the diseased liver of the patient is removed by making an incision on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is then replaced with the healthy liver that has been taken from the donor's body and the respective blood vessels and the biliary ducts are anastomosed with the lobe of the liver. As the liver has the tendency to regenerate the lobe that has been transplanted grows quickly and regenerates itself to the original size within a week after the surgery.

After the liver is transplanted, the patient and donor are taken to recovery room for observation.

After the surgery, the patient is moved to the Intensive care unit where the patient would be staying for 5-6 days. After the vitals are stabilized, the patient is moved to recovery room for about 3 weeks. One may feel pain and discomfort after the surgery which is normal and shall be controlled with medications. Recovering from liver transplant surgery is slow and long process that aims to slowly make you healthy and fit. It may take about 6 months to resume your normal daily activities.

The results are gratifying after the surgery. One can return to normal lifestyle within 6 months after the surgery. Healthy diet, regular exercise and proper medications add on to the faster recovery and help lead a healthy and active life ahead.

One would need to stay at the hospital for around 6 weeks after the surgery and another 4-6 weeks in India before going back. A total of thus 12 weeks are required to get liver cancer treatment in India.

Best Liver Cancer Hospital in India

At Abyssinia, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best liver cancer treatment in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with best hospitals for Liver cancer treatment in India and top surgeons for liver transplant in India helps us advise

The cost of Liver cancer treatment in India varies with the type of procedure chosen, your medical condition, surgeon, facility and city where you choose to get the surgery done.

Medical history and diagnostic reports may be sent to or for an early response from the case managers.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and also the benefits from the right kind of bariatric surgery before making a choice.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with the top bariatric surgeons in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, surgeries, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

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