Dental Tourism in India

Dental treatment in USA, UK, Australia and other Western countries are quite expensive as compared to attractive dental tourism destinations like India. Dental tourism in India has flourished over the years due to compelling reasons such as:

Most Popular Packages for Dental Tourism in India

Here's a quick look at the dental treatment cost in India in comparison with the cost of dental treatment in Western countries.

Procedures India ($) USA ($) UK (£) Stay at the Hospital (in days)
Root Canal $40/tooth $800 £200/tooth OPD/3-4 sittings
Ceramic Crown (Metal Fused) $200/tooth $850 £600/tooth OPD
Dental Extraction $15/tooth $300 £75/tooth OPD
Veneers $200/tooth $800/tooth £400/tooth OPD
Dental Implant $450/Implant $3,500 £2000/implant OPD 2 stages over 3 months
Teeth Whitening $110 $750 £700 OPD 3-4 sittings

Other Dental procedures popular among Westerners for Dental treatment in India:

Why Dental Tourism in India is getting so popular?

Not only the low cost of dental treatment in India is a huge attraction, most people like to club dental treatment with a fun-filled vacation. Since there is no downtime or recovery required during or after dental treatment, it is most amenable to tourism before and after the treatment.

India has always been a very popular tourist destination. Located in southern Asia, India houses the legendary monument of love, the Taj Mahal. However, Incredible India does not end with this wonder of the world; centuries of history take you on a mystical journey in the land of colours. From the Portuguese churches in Goa, to the traditional Rajputana carvings in Rajasthan; from the majestic Golden temple in the north, to the pristine Kerala backwaters in the south, every state holds a distinct flavour in its architecture, cuisines, lifestyles, and medicine.

More and more people are choosing India for dental treatment, because of reputation of Indian doctors, affordable cost of dental treatment, ease of travel and no language barrier. All this has given a great boost to dental tourism in India.

Cosmetic dental treatments in India have gained immense popularity, with its success and cost benefits ringing across the globe. A beautiful smile imparts self-confidence and happiness to the person. Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible for everyone to have these, especially with the above advantages in a country like India. Medical tourism companies such as Abyssinia help you realise this dream in association with the best dental clinics in India.

Abyssinia Meditreat LLP Cares

At Abyssinia Meditreat LLP, we recognize the significance of excellent dental health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide dental tourism in India of the highest standards at affordable prices. A preferred association with top dental clinics and best dentists in India helps us offer you the most affordable packages for dental tourism in India.

We encourage you to educate yourself about the dental treatment possibilities, benefits of the right kind of dental treatment and then make an informed decision.

Abyssinia thus invites you for a free consultation with expert dentists and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, dental procedures, recovery, travel and stay.

You can be assured that with Abyssinia's expertise, we will bring in a wonderful experience of dental tourism in India, which we have been doing for more than a decade now.

An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will inform you about the duration and dental treatment cost in India.

Pictures of your open mouth and / or OPG X-rays may be sent to or for a quick response from the case managers.

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