A slipped disc is also known as a prolapsed or herniated disc. It is a condition when the inner soft part of the disc (known as nucleus pulposus) bulges out through the weakened or ruptured part of the disc pressing on the structures close to it (nerves coming out off the spinal cord) resulting in numbness, tingling sensation or even pain in the area.
Slipped disc or disc herniation can happen at any level, but usually occurs in the lumbar region. The extent of the prolapsed and herniation can vary from person to person, the larger the prolapse the severe the symptoms.
Early stage symptoms of degeneration of the spine are intermittent and lingering back pain, but you would be able to perform your daily activities. However, as the ‘jelly' pushes its way out from the ‘shell', symptoms begin to get severe- pain gets intense, frequent and lasts longer. You may also experience numbness or weakness in legs and buttocks when the spinal nerves in the lumbar region begin to get pinched by the pressing gel.
If there is a rupture in the neck (cervical spine), there would be discomfort in shoulder and arms and further compression could lead to permanent paralysis.
Slipped disc is usually the last stage of degeneration of spine. When your disc is subjected to repeated bending or awkward bending, compression, rotation, lifting heavy objects, sitting in the same position for long, increasing age etc, the shell of the disc begins to tear. If no efforts are made to prevent further damage, the gel inside the disc starts to move out causing severe back pain. If the pressure continues to build, it causes tear and the water inside the nucleus pulposus leaks, just like a punctured car tyre – causing the disc to lose its buoyancy and strength.
Surgery is often the last resort and is advised in patients where symptoms have not settled in six weeks of conservative treatment like medication, injections and physiotherapy. The aim of the surgery is to remove the prolapsed part of the disc releasing pressure from the spinal cord.
Some of the common causes that cause slip disc are:
- The water content in the discs decreases with age and shrinks it causing disc degeneration
- Lifting heavy objects and in improper way
- Sitting in particular position like extended driving hours
- Overweight or sedentary lifestyle
- Sporting activities which require heavy lifting
- Excessive smoking